I’ve create some little ASCII art occasionally, some of it you can find on this page.

Thumbs Up

Back in 2015 I was in an IRC channel with some friends and we were trying to decide on an ASCII translation of the thumbs up emoji. Initially we used :+1:, which was quite boring. Next ^8 was suggested by my brother as a more graphical alternative and we used this for approximately 6 hours. Then I suggested ^B as an improved version of this idea, which we have been using ever since.

Based on work
by [Tubezlob](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Tubezlob) and
[Vaikunda Raja](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Vaikunda_Raja)
[Wikimedia Commons](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Thumbs-up_position_transparent.png) under the
[GFDL](http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or [CC BY-SA 3.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)

Based on work by Tubezlob and Vaikunda Raja from Wikimedia Commons under the GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0

To this day I’m still working on making the rest of the world aware of this great symbol. I often try to use it in other chat groups, but it’s unfortunately still not understood by most people. So I need your help to popularize it. Please use this ascii emoji wherever needed and explain to people what it means.


This is a logo for the Guile-based static site generator Haunt:

         _,--""                ""--._
      ,-"                            "-.
     /                                  \
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  |        .                      .        |
  |       A88b.                .d88A       |
  |       Y88888b.          .d88888Y       |
 |         Y8888888b      d8888888Y         |
 |          `Y88888P      V88888Y'          |
 |            `Y8P'        `V8Y'            |
 |                                          |
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 |  ,^.  _,^-.   /\     _,^.  /\    / \  /\ |
 |_/   (/     `\/  \_/\/    \/  \__/   \/  \|


I also made a simple ASCIIfication the 35C3 refreshing memories logo:

       ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _  _ _|_ _  _  ___
      | _ \ __| __| _ \ __/ __| || |_ _| \| |/ __|
      |   / _|| _||   / _|\__ \ __ || || .` | (_ |
      |_|_\___|_| |_|_\___|___/_||_|___|_|\_|\___|

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 ########'                '#      #################'
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      '##----O------##-------------##'          '##'

         __  __ ___ __  __  ___  ___ _|_ ___ ___
     @--|  \/  | __|  \/  |/ _ \| _ \_ _| __/ __|
        | |\/| | _|| |\/| | (_) |   /| || _|\__ \
     @--|_|  |_|___|_|  |_|\___/|_|_\___|___|___/


For the 36th communication congress I made my own interpretation of the motto “Resource Exhaustion” in ASCII:

              r e s o u r c e
               E X H A U S T I O N

  d888888b                    ,
    //    \     ,,ood88    ,_/ \     %.
   //      \ ,d888888888   |&|  <,  ,@88b.
  //---.___,\Y8888888888  (ooo)    ,;#8888b
 // \/ / ,d8b\Y88888888888888888888888888888b    _
 /   \/ d8888b\     Y8888     Y88P'  `Y888888b  | \__,
 `    \d88888  \   / 88888888 ,88  d8888888888bO|__@@|__
   `  ,88888Y   \,' d88888    888    `Y88888888 | _ _ _
     `d88888b  / .d8888888888 `88  db  88888888 || | | |
      |`Y8888888888888888     d88b.  ,d88888888 |========
    |\|   `Y88888888888888888888888888888888888 || | | |
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Here’s an ASCII rendition of the Replicant logo.

                   .   ||
                   \\   ||
              ___--'             `--___
           _-'                        _`-_
         ,'                          (_)  `.
        /                                   \
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            O                (O)(O)(O)